Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Young Scholars Network Receives Funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

We are happy to announce that as of July 2010, the Young Scholars Network (DFG wissenschaftliches Netzwerk) is officially funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Over the next three years, we will organize a series of six workshops dealing with various aspects of the Black Diaspora and Germany, that will eventually result in a book publication. The first workshop on Transcending Diaspora: Whiteness, Performativity and the Politics of the Body will be organised Christina Oppel (WWU Münster), Dr. Silke Stroh (WWU Münster), Holger Droessler (Harvard, Cambridge, MA/LMU München) and Dr. Frank Mehring (FU Berlin) and will take place this fall at the University of Münster - so please stay tuned for further information!

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